Our Vision for Playtimes at Hangleton
At Hangleton we believe that all children have the right to fun, safe and inclusive playtimes. We are developing a play culture that nurtures and supports our pupils to feel confident and stimulated when in the playground. The play ground is a busy place and we understand that this can be challenging for some young people. For this reason, we have our Year Six Play Leaders to guide and support the children with their play.
Through donations from the PFA we have carefully introduced new equipment to excite the children and keep them engaged. We have regular assemblies that celebrate our successes, introduce new equipment, establish the rules and responsibilities
involved in using it safely, and to problem solve any issues that may have arisen during playtimes. The impact has already been a joy to see; happier playtimes with less incidents. On Wednesdays we open the gates to both the infant and junior playgrounds allowing children to socialise with siblings and friends across the school.
We look forward warmer weather when we can make full use of our grounds.