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Local governing body board details

The full Federation Board meets once or twice a term.  At these meetings, the governing body carries out its three core functions, as identified by the Department for Education in the Governors' Handbook:

  • ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
  • overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure money is well spent.

The current Chair of Governors is Peter Jones and the Vice Chair is Rachel Milton. Minutes are published once they have been agreed by the governing body at the following meeting. Certain associated papers from the meetings are also available on request, although some will be confidential. Please contact the Clerk to Governors for further information.


Some specific functions are delegated to committees.

Teaching and Learning Committees

Each school has a Teaching and Learning committee overseeing matters specific to that school. Each committee meets once a term and reports to the Full Federation Board. The membership of each committee is not fewer than five governors plus the Head of School.

  • The Chair of the Benfield Teaching and Learning committee is Peter Jones.
  • The Chair of the Hangleton Teaching and Learning committee is Mark Goodson

School Performance Scrutiny Working Party

The purpose of the Working Party is to bring robust scrutiny to each of the schools against national and local data. The working party reports to the Full Federation Board.

The Lead Governor of this working party is Peter Jones..

Local Governing body


Please click here to see Governors' attendance 2023 -24

Past Members

In the last 12 months we have also had the following members:

 Name  Role Appointed by  App. date  Term of Office  Date left Office 


 Francesco Pettinato  Co-opted  Governing Body  28.08.2020  28.08.2020 -   27.08.2024  20.07.2023  75%
 Alana Cullen  Staff  Staff  20.09.2019  20.09.2019   -19.09.2023  19.09.2023  
 Mariea   Christodoulou  Co-opted  Governing Body  06.04.2021  06.04.2021 -   05.04.2025  31.12.2023  
 Scott Thebold  Co-opted  Governing Body  06.04.2021  06.04.2021 -   05.04.2025  31.12.2023  
 Jessica Openshaw  Parent Governor  Parents  05.12.2023  05.12.2023 -   02.02.2024  02.02.2024  
 Harriet Keilthy  Co-opted  Governing Body  28.08.2020  28.08.2020 -   27.08.2024  04.03.2024  
 Rosie Pryer-Vaz  Co-opted  Governing Body  19.09.2023  19.09.2023 -   18.09.2027  27.05.2024  
 Lesley Walker  Local Authority  Local Authority  06.04.2021  06.04.2021 -   05.04.2025  09.07.2024  
 Paul Williams  Co-opted  Governing Body  20.05.2023  20.05.2023 -   19.05.2027  09.07.2024  
 Michelle Millar  Co-opted  Governing Body  13.02.2023  13.02.2023 -   12.02.2027  09.07.2024  


 Name  Form complete  Interest declared
 Mark Goodson  Yes

 Related to pupils at Hangleton Primary

 Wife working at Hangleton Primary 
 Peter Jones  Yes

 Related to pupils at Hangleton

 Family member on PTA

 Aleya Khatun  Yes

 Related to pupil at Hangleton

 Bilingual Assistant for EMAS

 Emma Lake  Yes

 Member of staff across Benfield and Hangleton Federation

 Executive Head at St Peter's School

 Daughter employed by school
 Rachel Milton  Yes

 Related to pupils at Benfield

 Works as teacher specialist for BHISS

 Jennie Wylie  Yes

 Works at Blatchington Mill School

 Laura Saunders

   Relative of pupils at Hangleton
 Molly Attwell    Staff Member 
 Gareth Howard    Related to pupil at Hangleton

What do school governors do?

Governors work with senior leaders in the strategic development of the school and in raising standards of achievement. Duties include setting the school’s vision, aims & objectives, approving the school budget and appointing the headteacher.

Governors must both support and challenge the headteacher, so need to gain an understanding of the school’s overall performance in order to explain its decisions and actions. They do this by attending regular meetings, carrying out school visits and meeting with senior leaders. They also attend training in order to keep up to date with the requirements of their role. Governors work as a team and make collective decisions.

becoming a school governor

If you are interested in becoming a school governor, please contact the Clerk to Governors for more information.

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