
At Hangleton Primary School we constantly strive and look for ways to improve the education for all our children. This document tells you:
- What our policy entails
- Our vision and aims for attendance and punctuality
- How we reward pupils good attendance and improved attendance and punctuality
- What to do if you would like to request leave of absence
- How we support pupils and parents
- What to do and who to talk to if you have concerns
- Declaration to be signed and returned to the School Office.
Our policy:
Our Attendance Policy is reviewed at the start of each school year so everyone knows what to expect and what to do. (A full copy of the policy is available on request).
As parents you are legally responsible for ensuring your children of school age receive a suitable full time education.
The school must keep an attendance register or a computerised registration system in which pupils’ attendance details are marked at the beginning of each morning session and during the afternoon session of every day the school is open for instruction.
Every Day at School Counts
(Click HERE for Brighton & Hove Leaflet - Every school Day matters)
(Click HERE for Brighton & Hove Leaflet - Persistant Abscence
The table below shows you how important it is that all children have good attendance to make sure they don’t miss any vital learning. This information has been provided by the Local Authority.
Every School Day Counts! |
175 Non-School Days a Year – i.e. Weekends and School Holidays |
190 school days in each year |
190 school days in each year |
10 days absence
180 days of education |
19 days absence
171 days of education |
28 days absence
161 days of education |
38 days absence
152 days of education |
47 days absence
143 days of education |
100% attendance |
95% attendance |
90% attendance |
85% attendance |
80% attendance |
75% attendance |
GOOD Best chance of success – gets your child off to a flying start |
WORRYING Less chance of success Makes it harder to make progress |
SERIOUS CONCERN Absence will affect your child’s progress Action will be taken |
But what if my child is ill?
Of course children are ill on occasions and when this is the case we readily accept that being at home is the best place to be.
Children can’t help being ill and as a school we want all our children to be well and healthy to able to learn happily and confidently when they are here. However this traffic light system is a really useful guide to help you to decide when to send your child to school and when to keep them at home.
This advice has been taken from
Raised temperature (of over 37.5)
Rashes can be the first sign of many infectious illnesses such as chickenpox and measles. If your child has a rash, check with your GP before sending them to school.
Vomiting and diarrhoea. Children can return to school after 48 hours.
Headaches. A child with a minor headache does not usually need to be kept off school.
If the headache is more severe or is accompanied by other symptoms such as raised temperature or drowsiness, then keep your child at home and consult your GP.
Mild cough
Mild cold
Sore throat (unless accompanied by a raised temperature)
Feeling tired
*We will contact you if your child deteriorates during the school day.
If your child is too unwell to attend school...
1. Please phone the school absence line on 01273 916213 ASAP to leave a message stating your child’s name, class and the reason of absence.
2. If we have no contact from you by 10am, we will phone to ascertain your child’s whereabouts and reason for absence.
3. You are not required to phone the school on each day of absence. Please call again if the absence continues to the end of the week or over a weekend.
Every Minute at School Counts
The information below shows how important it is that all children arrive at school on time and are ready to learn by 8:45am (KS2) every day.
Please don’t be late!
Did you know...?
• Arriving 5 minutes late every day adds up to over 3 whole school days lost each year.
• Arriving 15 minutes late every day is the same as being absent from school for 2 weeks a year.
• Starting the day rushed and arriving late makes it hard for children to settle in the classroom.
• Children who arrive late will miss vital information given at the start of the day by their class teachers.
• Arriving late in the classroom can make children feel anxious or embarrassed.
• Children who arrive late also disrupt the other children in the classroom who are ready to start learning.
• Please support the school in our aim to help your children achieve their full potential by bringing your child to school on time every day.
We have a Late Book at the office
If your child arrives after the children have gone into class then this means they are late. If this is the case they will need to come straight to the office to register in the late book.
Request for Leave of Absence
(Click HERE for Brighton & Hove leafet - Absence Fixed Penalty Notices)
Only the Headteacher can authorise an absence.
Taking holidays and other unnecessary absence in term time means that your child is missing out on their education.
If you need to request leave of absence please put your request with details in writing to Mrs Emma Lake, Executive Head. You will be notified by letter if authorised or unauthorised.
No leave of absence will authorised during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances eg bereavement of a close family member, parents who work for the services and have their leave dates restricted.
No leave of absence will authorised during the whole of May due to assessment time, particularly for Year 6 and also for September as this is a vital time for teachers to establish their class..
Unauthorised absence could result in a Fixed Penalty Notice from the Local Authority. From 1st September 2013, each parent living at the pupil’s address must pay £60 if they pay within 21 days or £120 if they pay within 28 days.
What you can do to help your child….
- Make sure your child comes to school regularly and punctually.
- If your child starts missing school, work with the school to put things right. Communication is very important.
- If your child is absent you must phone the school before 10am on the first morning of absence. After 10am, if we have not had contact from you, the School Office will phone you. Staff will be concerned if there is no response.
- If you feel it is essential for your child to miss school, for example a religious festival or other special occasion, please put this in writing to Mrs. Keene and give details.
- Please support us in our efforts to encourage good attendance.
How will we achieve good attendance and punctuality….
- We would like you to help us to achieve an excellent attendance rate this year..
- We are happy to meet with parent/carers to discuss support strategies where appropriate.
- During the term, we will hold attendance and punctuality assemblies and we acknowledge with certificates the children who have achieved and exceeded our attendance target and also children who have improved their attendance and punctuality.
- At the end of the school year, we will give rewards to children with excellent attendance.
- We will give you a full report on your child’s attendance and punctuality each term.
- We work closely with the Local Authority.