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Latest Newsletter

17th January 2025

 Hangleton News!

Happy New Year! We started the term last week with a hive of activity and excitement with the unexpected event of snow, just in time for Year Six’s visit to Hindleap for their residential trip. Despite the initial excitement of the snow, the school has been calm and settled this week, with new topics being launched and the children ready to learn.

Hindleap 2025

Our Year Six Residential

This year’s Year Six residential was blessed once again, with the magic of snow. The children were blown away by the sight of snow as the forest was dusted in a picture perfect way! We are so proud of their resilience, collaboration and good manners on the trip; even through the biting cold. The biggest challenge was having to make their own beds! During the week, they completed activities at great heights, which needed lots of strength, bravery and encouragement from their peers. This was definitely a Hindleap to remember!

Message from Emma Lake

I would like to thank all the staff who gave up their time to go to Hindleap. This is such a big commitment and responsibility - for no extra pay! Without their energy, time and determination to make this a successful trip - it could no go ahead. So THANK YOU! 

EKO AGM @ Hangleton

Hangleton were delighted to host EKOs Annual Meeting for Trustees and Governors. We invited children from all of the EKO schools to come and perform. Our Year Six drummers and Ukulele players put on a fantastic performance and showed off their fantastic talents. All of the children also learnt a song to play together as a collective. This was an excellent day and great example of the power of collaboration as part of an Academy trust.

Girls Football

The Girls’ football team beat Hove Juniors Portland Road 3-0 this week. The score would have been bigger, but for an excellent performance by the Hove goalie. Special mention to Atrin, who scored two great goals, and Sarah, who was very confident in goal. Well played everyone.


Year One Flight to Africa!

As part of our Hakuna Mata topic all about Kenya, we experienced a typical journey on a plane to another country. We had our tickets and passports checked at Passport Control and passed through security to board the plane. Once on the plane, we met the captain and watched the safety video, before the Cabin Crew provided snacks and in-flight entertainment. We also used our curiosity skills to investigate artefacts from Africa. We met three famous Africans: Desmond Tutu, Wangari Maathai and Miriam Makeba. The children loved this experience.

The Importance of Reading

We can not express how important reading with and to your child at home is. The more children hear quality books, the wider their bank of words are for writing. We understand how busy everyone’s lives are, but please put aside time each day to hear your child read or read to them. We are looking for volunteers to come in on a regular basis to read with our children. If you are interested or know someone that is, please email, amy.mccardie@ekotrust.org.uk

Car fumes

We are currently having a big problem with people waiting for their children with their cars running. This has meant that polluting fumes are being pumped out unnecessarily. Local residents have complained at the impact this is having on their air quality during these times. Please can you make sure that you turn your cars off when you are waiting for your children to prevent this happening. Many thanks

Free School Meals Eligibility

Important Information Regarding Free School Meals (FSM)

Changes to FSM Eligibility Please be aware of the following changes are being introduced in relation to Free School Meals eligibility:

Current Arrangements: Currently, if your child becomes eligible for Free School Meals, they remain eligible for the duration of their school life.

Changes Effective April 2025: From April 1, 2025, these arrangements will end. Eligibility for Free School Meals will be regularly reviewed to ensure continued entitlement .

What This Means for You If you believe your child may be eligible for Free School Meals: Please register or check their eligibility before the end of March 2025.

Benefits of Registration: Ensures your child receives a free daily meal. Provides vital funding for the school.

How to Register or Check Eligibility https://www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/schools-and-learning/free-school-meals Call the Free School Meals team 01273 293497. We understand that these changes may have an impact on families. We encourage you to contact the school if you have any questions or require further assistance.





Tuesday 4th February                                      Year 6 visit to WW2 Bunker at Downs School Hawks & Eagles

Thursday 6th February                                    Year 6 visit to WW2 Bunker at Downs School Falcons

Half Term Monday 17th February - Friday 21st February

Monday 24th February                                    Children return to school 8.45am

Easter Holidays Monday 7th April - Monday 21st April

Tuesday 22nd April                                          Children return to school 8.45am

Bank Holiday Monday 5th May

Tuesday 6th May                                            Children return to school 8.45am

Monday 19th May                                          Class & Year 6 Leavers photos

Half Term Monday 26th May - Friday 30th May

Monday 2nd June                                          Inset Day School Closed

Tuesday 3rd June                                        Children return to school 8.45am





























































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