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Latest Newsletter

26th April 2024

Hangleton News!

After a refreshing Easter break, Hangleton has started the Summer term with gusto. Looking ahead, we are excited about all the great activities that are getting planned in the weeks ahead. Despite the freezing weather we are feeling hopeful, plans of Sports day, Children’s parade and Year Six graduation to name but a few. Year Six have started the term ready to get their teeth into their learning in preparation for their imminent SATs tests. Overall, the school has been calm and settled.

Year Five Trip to Herstmonceux

We're delighted to share highlights from our recent school trip to the Observatory Science Centre in Herstmonceux. Our students had a fantastic time exploring the exhibitions on Light and Colour, as well as Sound and Forces. They engaged with interactive displays, delved into the fascinating world of physics, and even enjoyed the Newton in Motion Show, which brought Sir Isaac Newton's discoveries to life in an engaging way.
In the Discovery Park, our students had the opportunity to experiment with levers and the Archimedes screw, gaining hands-on experience with scientific concepts in a fun environment.
We're proud of how well our students represented our school during the trip. They approached each activity with enthusiasm and curiosity, demonstrating a genuine interest in learning.

Mrs Drabczynska and Ms Rudwick

Cricket Season has started!

Year Three (Summer 1) and Year Four (Summer 2), are very lucky to have the opportunity to have PE lessons from Sussex Cricket with an expert cricket teacher during summer term. We hope that this will promote a love of the sport. They will also have the chance to participate in an after school club to practice their skills further.

The Big Make!

Benfield pupils came up to Hangleton this week to work on our Big Make for the children’s parade. This year the theme is ‘dreams.’

It was fantastic to see children from both our schools working shoulder to shoulder. They had a lot of fun getting sticky and messy with papier-mâché in the Art room. We can’ t wait to see how it all turns out.
Make sure you save the date Saturday May 4th to come and see the parade!

Girl’s Football Match vs Bilingual

Our Girls Football team lost 4-2 to Bilingual Primary in the Roxboro Cup. After a disappointing first half performance, the girls rallied in the second half, but some missed chances and an inspired opposition goalkeeper meant that Hangleton didn't make it into the next round.

Better luck next time girls.

Mr Edwards

Eko Heads Visit

Last week, we were excited to host a meeting for a group of Head Teachers from a range of EKO Trust schools. They came to Hangleton to share good practice and support Mrs Lake and Mrs McCardie with developing our children’s writing.

This was a helpful and supportive morning. We have come away with lots of ideas of how to move forward!
Mrs McCardie

Boy’s Football match vs Benfield

On a lovely sunny afternoon, the boys' football team had their final game of the season - and for the Year 6 boys, their final time playing for Hangleton Primary - supported by a good crowd of Year 5 and 6 children.

The match was a 7-a-side game against Benfield. As ever, there was lots of skill and sporting behaviour on display.

Hangleton had a large number of shots that were just off target, but even so were 8-1 winners.

Congratulations to all the boys in the squad this year, and good luck to the boys leaving us.

Rob Noble


Tuesday 30th April                                                  Year 3 River Ouse Trip
Saturday 4th May                                                    Children’s Parade
Monday 6th May  Bank Holiday School Closed
Tuesday 7th May                                                    Class & Year 6 Leavers Photos
Monday 13th - Thursday 16th May                       Year 6 SAT’s
Friday 17th May                                                       PFA non-school uniform day - please bring a donation for the raffle
Half Term Monday 27th May - Friday 31st May
Monday 3rd June   Inset Day School Closed
Tuesday 4th June                                                  Children return to school 8.45am



























































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